Interested in our power washing services? Contact us now.

The most effective way to remove moss, grime and dirt is by power-washing the surface. We use industrial high pressure power washers for the removal of build-up from driveways, footpaths, buildings and roads. Our machines can power-wash all surfaces including tarmac, concrete, wood, slate, block work and stone. We regularly clean a wide range of agricultural infrastructure including stables, kennels, sheds, yards, slatted units and milking parlours. We also remove graffiti.

If you would like to learn more about the full variety of drain cleaning services available from the crew at Cork Drain & Septic Tank Cleaning, please do not hesitate to get in contact with one of our members of staff, who will be more than happy to assist you with any queries you may have regarding our services.
Just give us a call on 021 4353897 or alternatively you can send us an email at info@corkdrain.ie. We’d love to talk to you.